Re: What used products do you buy?
I want to write a book to you, Zoe!
No, I want YOU to write a book!
We called the man the 'junk man', and I did't see the wisdom (and fun) in the process for 46 years.
We were always poor, and used 'second-hand' only from necessity. It was either that or go without...which we often did.
Then again, my dad built houses and furniture...really nice stuff.
As I grew older it seemed wise to buy and rebuild a grocery business. We struggle through on just the things immediately available to us, redesigning the building and equipment, upgrading with reconditioned machines and fixtures. We shopped second-hand! Even my organizing and bookkeeping skills were outgrowths of all I had learned before...working for others.
We learned by doing, and making do with what was available.
That's when I learned creativity.
Many folks don't ever see the creativity side of business, but every entrepreneur does...and it is very satisfying, even if you don't make a fortune...this time.
Once you experience 'the bug', you are always creating in the back of your head.
Meet a man like Sam, and you'll never look at community life in quite the same way again.
You found treasures in your youth, Zoe, the ability to see value and beauty and usefulness in 'old' things; and understanding of human nature. What an adventure!
Bet you watch the 'roadshows'!
At age fifty I married a man who had been an independent salesman for more than forty years.
Some may not guess it, but a 'salesman' is an expert negotiator...he puts people together with what they need and want, when they want it, and at the price they want to pay. He is an enabler, a satisfier. And, when negotiating a deal, he speaks a different 'language' than at any other time.
All people like him, always have.
We became manufacturers' agents, for a while, and eventually took up garage-sailing (and metal-detecting), and we haven't looked back since. There is always something good to do next, don't you agree?
Dh taught himself computering, at 80, and has shopped a lot on eBay. He contemplates selling there, too, but so far has found lots of buyers, sellers, and traders near home.
I thought to write some thoughts and experiences in the Marketing forum, here at CureZone, but could only see 'ads'. Oh well, maybe we should start a 'second-hand' website, where no one advertises anything...just tells stories.
Pure joy!