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Re: Breast Problem - Anybody have any advice?
FULLOFJOY Views: 1,733
Published: 18 y
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Re: Breast Problem - Anybody have any advice?

I do take a couple of days off a week with Iodine to let my body have a break as some do. I feel better that way. But I did notice when I was oilpulling and doing the iodine, I had alot more pain with my absessed tooth. Then all the sudden I could chew without the pain that I had for the whole prior month. It was a few days of real intense pain when I chewed and then it totally went away. I could chew anything without it hurting anymore.
With the Iodine I do the Sea Salt . I don't follow with a full 12 oz water but 1 cup water is enough for me. I use magnesium citrate, selenium 200 mcg selenium monomethionine, 3000 vit C-Now I use the sodium ascorbate. I can only take 100 mg of magnesium or I get the runs if I take more.
Before I learned about Iodine I had taken some heavy metal urine tests and tested high in cadmium, I was high in nickel also. Then I read about Modiflan pulling heavy metals out. I took it for 4 months 6 caps a day and my urine tests for heavy metals came out clear. Modiflan was expensive though. I take chlorella also as sort of a natural vitamin. That's about it.


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