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Re: 31 years on thyroid meds, want off!
trapper/kcmo Views: 1,883
Published: 18 y
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Re: 31 years on thyroid meds, want off!

enemas should be for specific purposes. one can become dependent on them and they do carry a risk of harm, albeit small. i am in favor of letting things move the natural way - down and out.

the lower bowel balance from barefoot(he has his own forum here) is a dr christopher formula with his trademark addition of olive leaf. i took it for 8 months straight and have had good movement ever since. barefoot also teaches the cool sitz bath which moves lymph down and out. i love it because it is cheap and do it yourself and is effective.

i also leave the parasite thing to the experts. i prefer barefoot again, but i have heard nothing but good from humaworm, also on curezone. barefoot uses the male flowers and immature hulls of the Black-Walnut along with Wormwood and clove and a few others. i am playing with making my own dewormer based upon this. most of the commercial Black-Walnut hull is not as effective as the way barefoot does it.

before beginning iodine(i think you are going to have fantastic results), try that salt water flush. it is worth the effort. i have never been so hydrated in my life. it is so good for the gut.

the liver stuff is ok, but i have found that less is more. many times it is something we need to stop eating instead of needing to add to the burden of the body. one of the best things i ever did was go to eating once a day in the evening. my rule is to never eat before 5 o'clock.

once you are finished with the dewormer, you may well want to try a liver flush. if you have dead flukes in there, it helps to flush them out. i use the standard Hulda Clark liver flush. i know it works. dont shy away from the Epsom Salts . they are what make everything work and get the gunk out so you dont reabsorb it.


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