Re: 31 years on thyroid meds, want off!
I started raw organic unfiltered apple cider vinegar and have been taking that for over 2 months now. I take 1-3 T a day. I mix it in applesauce. I also have been taking raw garlic, 1 clove most days.
I did 3 enemas today, one with acv, and one with a bit of hydrogen peroxide. Very cleansing. This is what I've been taking for the
parasite and worm cleanse..and the results have been amazing so far. I'm on day 13. I plan on doing 30 days, then a 90 break..(do you think?) and then another 30 day of the tinctures. I'm purchasing the
Lugols this week, so it may be a few weeks before I get it.
2 x a day (you can do 1-3 x a day)
"Wormwood" tincture: 10-20 drops (each dose)
"Parasite": 30-60 drops
Ingredients: Quassia Wood
Balck Walnut Hulls
Garrya Herb
Clove Seed
Bayberry Root Bark
"Burdock": 30-60 drops
"Liver Detox": 10-40 drops
Ingredients: Oregon Grape Root
Milk Thistle Seed
Yellow Dock Root
Red Root
Dandelion Root
Fringe Tree Bark
Fresh Ginger Root
What do you think?