China to cause blue skies for Olympics
So now we have to mess with some of nature's biggest forces to hold an athletic event. Maybe it is time to take a break....
Chinese are planning to seed clouds to disperse rain for the olympics. The only technology known so far is for MAKING it rain, so maybe they intend to make it rain upstream and keep Beijing dry. If not, they are using some new technology that will "keep it dry".
"The researchers dropped silver
Iodide and diatomite, two compounds thought to prevent the moisture forming into rain drops"
Ah HA! So they intend to use diatomite , a silcia.
quote: "The type of hazard posed by inhalation depends on the form of the silica. Crystalline silica poses a serious inhalation hazard because it can cause silicosis. Amorphous silica can cause dusty lungs, but does not carry the same degree of risk as crystalline silica.
Food-grade diatomite generally contains very low percentages of crystalline silica."
- do we know it they are going to use the "Food Grade" silica or the bad stuff that causes lung problems?
There is irony in that sports people like their lungs....
Who can find out what form of silica the Chinese weather controllers will use for the Olymics? Anyone?
Other problems is that messing with nature can have consequences. Cloud seeding results in droughts in other areas downstream, a violation of the basic rights of all life to have normal rainfalls, as nature permits, not as a decision by the government of China.