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Re: Getting clean
apxr Views: 5,223
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Re: Getting clean


"Human blood is sterile and that if you kept the 'blood clean' then you can bring a person back into 'perfect' health."
As an alternative health practitioner, I was taught keep the blood, liver and gut clean and everything else will fall into place."

I keep reading that at every "self-heal", or "natural healing" internet site that I come across. I think that that statement is why CZ was formed - a guide on how to clean yoursel to health.

So it seems to become increasingly clear that a body in Health is Clean.

I am still uncertain about the cleaning part, the body is a self-cleaning factory, if it would'nt be it would die from it's own toxins long time ago. I would rather like to take a look at why the body is "failing" on doing it's job.

Good direction, in my opinion.

Missing nutrients? To little good guys in the gut? To much stress? To little HCL in the stomach -> bad digestion -> congestion -> toxins -> imbalance in the gut?
People can cleanse themselves their whole lives and at the moment they stop they feel like crap again. Just take a look at all the "vetarans" here at CZ that have been here for years and years, done 50+ liver flushes, tried a million different diets and still feel bad etc.

That seems to be a fact, doesn't it.

How would I know if my body wants my intervention? How much of that intervention, and what intervention?

Interesting questions.

How do I clean my blood? What is polluting the blood in the first place, maybe the source of that is worth looking into at first?

Maybe, yes.

What is healthy blood?

In my opinion, Blood that's Fresh and untainted, not harboring any structure foreign and detrimental to the nature of the body's system.


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