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Getting clean
monique_1 Views: 5,205
Published: 18 y
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Getting clean

"Human blood is sterile and that if you kept the 'blood clean' then you can bring a person back into 'perfect' health."
As an alternative health practitioner, I was taught keep the blood, liver and gut clean and everything else will fall into place."

I keep reading that at every "self-heal", or "natural healing" internet site that I come across. I think that that statement is why CZ was formed - a guide on how to clean yoursel to health.

I am still uncertain about the cleaning part, the body is a self-cleaning factory, if it would'nt be it would die from it's own toxins long time ago. I would rather like to take a look at why the body is "failing" on doing it's job. Missing nutrients? To little good guys in the gut? To much stress? To little HCL in the stomach -> bad digestion -> congestion -> toxins -> imbalance in the gut?
People can cleanse themselves their whole lives and at the moment they stop they feel like crap again. Just take a look at all the "vetarans" here at CZ that have been here for years and years, done 50+ liver flushes, tried a million different diets and still feel bad etc.

How would I know if my body wants my intervention? How much of that intervention, and what intervention?

How do I clean my blood? What is polluting the blood in the first place, maybe the source of that is worth looking into at first?

What is healthy blood?


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