As I see it.
1. I doubt you can be a pure vegetarian.
2. You aren’t getting enough “good” oils into the body.
3. What little oils you are getting are removed by the over abuse of psyllium.
4. Being hypoglycemic and number of BM’s indicate poor frequency of eating habits and or lack of protein to regulate blood sugar.
5. You are toxic yet keep doing things that cause higher circulating toxin levels and reduce resources, as the removal of toxins almost always uses resources.
If it was me I would:
Terminate the psyllium.
Do the
SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) 3 days in a row to reduce toxin burden.
The worry here is the kidney pain.
Large amounts of
Watermelon would be your best bet and you may find it doesn’t raise you blood
Sugar levels, or not.
To be honest, the two egg yoke
Liver-Flush several days in a row would most likely be the healthiest thing you could do.