IMPORTANT PIECE OF THE PUZZLE (?) - further readings and thoughts on this
I have been out of town for a few days, I needed a break from hell, I mean "life" ;)
Wow! This forum has been really busy! I came home a few hours ago and I was on my way to go to sleep, I have been up for 24 hrs (!) but I thought I would check my email and I stumbled across the forum.
I have been asking questions about the importance of cleansing when dealing with parasites and this is really a tough question. There can be different cleanses, the larger ones like bowel, kidney, liver cleansing and the ones that cleanse debris on a cellular level where we try to cleanse tissues and cells.
Is this necessary?
Hm.. again, tough question. Some people benefit greatly from the cleanses and feel like a million bucks. Others see a progress in the long term, but are generally happy with the cleanses. Whilst others cleanse and cleanse and get weaker and weaker, and become desperate and cleanse some more and hit rock bottom.
Is there a relationship between cleanses and microbes, or should I say being toxic and having issues with bad microbes?
Common sense says yes, ofcourse. And when trying to become less toxic by doing cleanses, why do we not (or atleast many of us) achieve the great microbial balance and finally have peace in our bodies?
So maybe we have to ask this instead: what do we have to cleanse
from in order to get microbial balance? Gallstone cleanse, kidney celanse, mucoid plaque cleanse...?
If your immune system is strong, little intervention will bring great success. You unblock some part of your body and it will spin off from here and have strength to rebalance itself slowly.
MAYBE we forget that maybe the smallest things out there, bug us more than the heavy stuff which can sometimes see be released in the toilet during a cleanse?
Hulda Clark have tons of theories on the relationshop between microbes and solvents and heavy metals. At a first glance I thought: Is this really a issue with microbes? I was more concerned with having any crap in my bowels or liver that would impact my health.
Rabbittears article gave further support that the small things are devastating for our health. Hulda Clark have talked about this like crazy, to the point where I thought she was crazy telling me to throw out my favorite shampoo since it can aggravate my infestation. Well maybe I am crazy who want to keep my shampoo! Either way, I had to further research on this and I will present what I have found:
Introduction - the connection between solvents and heavy metals and parasites
"The imagination to harbour parasites causes revulsion to most persons. So we like to emphatically reject this idea and believe to be extensively protected against parasites due to the high hygienic conditions in our country. We learned that parasites occur only in tropical areas or at population living in unclean conditions. However, this is a dangerous misapprehension because it results from a lack of awareness of the risk factors as well as of the symptoms, which would draw our attention to an infection with parasites."
"Experts regard parasites as a missing diagnosis during the development of many chronic health problems. They talk about a secret epidemic, which the very most physicians are not aware of, because the methods for the diagnosis are very difficult and sometimes impossible."
"Moreover the parasites can irritate, inflame and perforate the intestine walls. Latter increases their porosity, and large undigested molecules can go through and into the bloodstream with the consequence of food allergies. Outside the intestine parasites can settle in joints and muscles, form cysts and cause inflammations. The arising aches are often ascribed to arthritis. Parasites can move into the brain and can form granulomes in lung, liver, uterus or other organs. Their toxic metabolic substances can attack the central nervous system. Often restlessness, depressions and phobias result therefrom."
"Dr. Hulda Regehr Clark found out, that different soaking worms, for example the intestine leech and the liver leech, which normally occur only in their fully-grown form in humans, could perform all 6 phases of their development in the person, if solvents exist in the body. They can leave the organ, in which they usually settle, and complete their development in any other organ or an other part of the body."
"The person is in each second of his life on a balance between health and disease. As long as his immune system is strong enough, this is a totally normal process. However, as soon as the immune system is weakened by the many pollutants and through parasites, fungus and other microbes, his immune system gets out of its balance and can defend itself less and less. From this inequality many of the so-called old and new chronic diseases are created, which mostly also affect the psyche (nervous system)"
"As the described process can take place only in the existence of solvents, Dr. Clark names it a new type of parasitism, caused by side effects of our modern affluent society. Solvents are found not only in varnishes, colours, cleaners and synthetic floors. They are also to be found in body care products, such as creams, shampoos, soaps, tooth pastes etc. as well as in processed food, where they probably were extracted due to sterilisation of processing and bottling machines, during the manufacturing process or by adding flavourings or colours, which have been extracted by means of solvents."
"Dr. Clark has shown that the real causes of most diseases are toxins and viruses, especially parasites. Toxicity levels usually facilitate the presence of parasitic infestation. However when toxicity is absent, it is often difficult for the body to rebalance itself. This process can be assisted by introducing an agent to directly oppose the virus or by strengthening the immune system."
"The connection between deposited toxins und parasitic infestation is an important factor in cases of chronic diseases, which is also confirmed by the results of other researchers, for example,
Klinghardt (heavy metal exposure in fungal infections) or
Enderlein (dark field microscopy)."
Dr. Klinghardt have been discovered by Newport here at CZ and that Dr have written a huge PDF on lyme and the connection between lyme and mercury, this would be a further support about the small things that kill our health:
(Many CZ members have therefore incorporated different parts of his protocol, specially the mercury detox with iodine and other chealating agents.)
Klinghardt Lyme PDF
Hulda Clark:
Body Cleanup
"We are living in a very fortunate time. We are not expected to all look alike! The 60's brought us this wonderful freedom. Freedom to dress in a variety of styles, use make-up or no make-up, jewelry or no jewelry, any kind of hair style, any kind of shoes.
You will need to go off every cosmetic and body product that you are now using. Not a single one can be continued. They are full of titanium, zirconium, benzalkonium, bismuth, antimony (30), barium (31), strontium (32), aluminum, tin, chromium, not to mention pollution solvents such as benzene and PCBs"
The 5 mmune System Depressants
And How to Get Rid of Them"
(and ofcourse metals which she does mention on other places in here book)
Much more about this here:
"A whole book on immunology of parasites already exists. The body has great way of battling parasitic infections.
Why does it fail? Because we are developing
immune problems, and there are
five in total: benzene, asbestos, lanthanide elements, PCBs, azo dyes."
Further there is a
heavy and very technical explanation bewteen "
The Close Relationship between Solvents, Mercury and Microbes".
And here is a very thorough and well written
guide to complete
detoxification of the bad stufff and suggestions to
life style changes:
(Newport, you and I both like
MSM ( a type of sulfur) very much, see this:
"The major treatment for the toxic effects from these aliphatic (alcohols) and aromatic (benzenes, etc.) hydrocarbons is simple avoidance with appropriate drainage remedies and detoxification supplements. Fortunately, many of the same products for heavy metal detox---chlorella, MSM, antioxidants---have also been clinically helpful in solvent detoxification. Therefore, patients can rely on many of these same products to facilitate both heavy metal and toxic solvent removal."
from : )
(MSM: solvents and metals, 2 birds in one..!)
My thoughts and the practical part:
So, to cleanse these things (solvents/metals/pesticides) many of the heavier cleanses are unneccesary (maybe, Im not saying this for sure, but let's investigate some). To free the liver from solvents and metals and pesticides liver flushing wont do it, that cleanse is mostly for de-fatting the liver and cleaning out the ducts. (I know that many find the liver flushes harsh and never-ending, stones keep comin' cleanse after cleanse and the healing reactions can be minor). To cleanse the liver on a cellular level and release the debris from the liver cells simple things can be used to detoxify the liver. Milk thistle and sulfurs like MSM are wonders for this, and here is a picture of what we need to take to help improve the livers detoxification (these agents are not just to detox
incoming toxins to the liver, but they will detox the liver itself too):
We absorb SO MUCH trough our
skin that it is crazy! And the through the skin we will also
GET RID off stuff with great success.
Sweating is one of the oldest "medicines" to preserve good health, it is taken for granted these days, I think. Metals and solvents are efficiently carried out with sweat. Off to the gym!
But there will also arise a question about the
diet, the "detox article" promotes a alkaline diet with little protein, I know of many who eat a SCDIET or LCHF here on CZ (me included), not everyone can digest all those veggies or go raw (me included). So the alkalizing question could be further discussed on the forum to investigate which diet will create the "best" environment for a good microbial balance.
Since alkalizing is pretty much
re-mineralizing (my personal opinion) maybe the whole deal is about minerals? Look at this statement from the klinghardt PDF:
and he also says: "The Mineral Issue
To feed, fuel and perk up the cells of the immune system (especially NK
cells and macrophages) numerous interventions have been attempted, mostly
based on orthomolecular and herbal medicine principles. We found that
amongst those approaches, abundant mineral substitution based on the red
cell mineral analysis is most rewarding. Rarely should medical drugs be
Amazingly, the most depleted minerals in our Lyme patients are often
copper, magnesium, manganese (in Lyme) and iron (in Babesiosis). Bb and
Bartonella need magnesium to duplicate and deplete the host’s body rapidly.
Copper and iron have all but disappeared from most of our supplements
based on faulty interpretation of hair analysis. The immune system uses
those two metals in the process of phagocytosis. They are the main
constituent of the enzymes (or “bullets”) the immune cells use in the battle
against the invaders."
So the next question would be how to bomb ourselves with
bio-availabe minerals. I simple CAN NOT promote the use of synthetic mineral pills, like ten different mineral pills taken at once several times a day just to assure that we get soaked with good minerals. It is expensive and there is no way this will create a balance, one thing will antagonize another and it is heavy on the liver. Moreless talks about the Black strap molasses drink which has brought success to many many people,
molasses have bio-availabe minerals and works great in a combo with Apple cider vinegar.
But again, it is a sugar, how do we feel about
sugars and parasites? Hm...
And, one of the issues is
heavy metal detox, brought on by both Klinghartd and Hulda (maybe not on these webpages but she says we should do it), well it is not called heavy for nothing! ;) LOL. It is very TAXING for the body and the eliminatory organs to detox heavy metals, they are really really hard on the kidneys and can cause intestinal distress. To chelate metals do it gently, read up on the iodine forum since heavy metals have been a hot topic there for quite some while and there is much good information about safe and slow chelation. Basically we need something that will bind the metals so they can be carried out safely. Iodine, cilantro, chlorella, zinc and selenium (which are antagonizers) along with a high fiber and high fat diet (the fat is for the liver to take out the metals via bile and the fiber is there to trap the bile so that it wont re-circulate) could be a safe and slow way to go instead of taking high doses of ALA or expensive chelators like DMSP, DMSA. Ofcourse you choose, but read up on the risks first and try to find different protocols and choose one that will suit you.
Another issue is replacing all
beauty products and
such, and that is not a easy thing to do (ofcourse you make your own stuff) but fortunely I have found two places who sell safe products that contain no crap: (visit the web-page )
The article that have a HUGE protocol on how to detox all the stuff also talks about
oxygen, and I saw a post here at the forum about
ozone (have not read it through yet properly) and I am very curious as how oxygen affects parasites. There are many oxygen gurus out there that really promote oxygen therapy as a health investment for every disease (Ed McGabe and also Bob Beck which uses ozone in his protocol) and I often read that oxygen is not liked by critters. More support for this would be very very nice since I personally think that oxygenation is also on of the "old and forgotten natural medicines" for health, just like sweating.
Well people, either this is a issue of 100% importance, or this is yet un-proved, still an uncertain thesis that must be investigated further. Personally, I am sold after reading Rabbittears article on the topic. I have had this in the back of my head for a while now, but would NEVER imagine this could have such an impact on our immune system.
IF this is all true, then I think we may have found an
IMPORTANT piece of the puzzle, IF not more! Maybe this is the answer to why never-ending liver and bowel cleanses never bring back real health to the weakest and why parasitic herbal cleanses are shortlived for many of us?
There is an expression here at Curezone which goes: It's all about changing the
People, this is up for further investigation!
Have a nice day!