Re: Liver Healing Without Flushes
Fledgling what you just described was just shows you that there is always more then one way to do something. I would also like to find a more gentle way to flush. I have endometriosis on my bowel and both times that I have tried to flush have been so painful. On the last occasion I saw what I can only describe as flesh in the toilet bowel, so I am not sure that I could go through that again. I have tried a gentle lemon and olive oil drink which I drank every day for a week this was a couple of years ago now. It consisted of the juice of one lemon, 1 table spoon of olive oil and a cup of water all mixed together in the food mixer. I must say that I didn’t really notice much.
I would like to know what the raw egg and oil one is if someone has the time to share. At the moment I am really concentrating on my liver cos I know that this is where my health problems are rooted(or I pretty much think so) I am taking some of the Sensible Chinese Herbs, Coptis and Chinese Bitters. I am also trying to do some of the Moreless protocol, though I have just started on this. I really do wish that I could do the liver cleanse, at the moment I have so much heat in my face. I know that sounds mad but I keep breaking out in this horrible
Acne which is just red hot and itchy. I have so much heat in my stomach and liver area, it is just this burning pain...I think from the endo cos it get worse leading up to period and time of period. It's like the heat cannot get out and it's trying to get out from my face. I have read stuff that says this can happen with excessive heat from the liver.
Sorry for going on cos I only meant this to be a short post...It's so good though to have people here who understand what it is like to be chronically ill!