Mamacatpatch, everyone,
Please remember that I am a novice...and chicken.
I think in some ways I have been lucky, losing that first stone was entirely a surprise, and amazing.
Also, after my first round of Humaworm, a week or so later (it's hard to remember), I happened to eat dishes of fresh pineapple and fresh papaya, most every day for a week or two; a friend suggested Bio-K; and I was sprouting mung beans on my kitchen food, and probiotics all, I believe.
After a bit, I passed two, in one day, very differently-colored 'blockages'...that's the only way I can describe them. They were pasty, and one was almost white...the other an 'artificial' pale green. I have no idea where they were lodged in my system. One had tiny 'poppy seed' parasites.
I mention these because the largest liver stone I felt, didn't leave the common bile duct, it scooted back and forth...and may be there still...I'm not sure. It may have moved on today.
If the first stone passed so easily, why should this one stop?
I got onto the Internet and finally found a drawing that showed that the pancreatic duct and the common bile duct actually 'meet' IN the duodenum, the area below the stomach that curves to join up with the small intestine.
The two ducts are wrapped together with a muscle that is part of the system of pressures that cause the bile and pancreatic juices to 'squirt' into the passing food, formulated and mixed according to the composition of that food.
There is another automatic system that operates every two hours. Telman mentioned it. I believe it is called the Migratory Motor Complex. The point is to move larger pieces of food along, digested or not, so there are no blockages. It's quite an ingenius system, really.
So, what was/is stopping the passing of this one stone? The only thing I can imagine is parasites...or, possibly, something amiss in the pressure in the duct. I don't feel ill.
That's why I think regular rounds of Humaworm are vitally important...and why I am on my second round now.
Stuck stones are nothing to fool around with. If you have one, get to your health care professional, promptly.
I am self-taught. If I have questions, all I can do is look and look, and take my chances...and upgrade my opinion as I experience more. It helps to be open to change...ready to let go of the old ways, if necessary. Perhaps that is the hardest task, sometimes.
One simple change that may be useful is temperature. I am thinking of the switch from cold water to warm, for example...or from hot to cooler. Here and there it may be better to alter the temperature of our drinking water, bath, favorite dish, or environment. I don't know, but I test.
The switch from commercial mayo wasn't difficult, but called for a bit of ingenuity...and letting go of preferences. Oddly, a person's tastes change quite easily, even when the preference was built up over decades. It doesn't really 'hurt' as much as we thought it would. 'Deprivation' becomes 'adventure', especially when we find renewed 'youth' and vigor.
Good luck, everyone.