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Re: Was a Smooth ride home
topcat916 Views: 6,782
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Re: Was a Smooth ride home

Hey SS,

Welcome back, good to see you made it in one piece. 12 hours is a LONG time, but yeah much more enjoyable going in a fast car ;-) (probably a guy thing lol). Very wise that you took regular breaks along the way though. That's pretty admirable you did this on your own though! I dont think I could have done that...hard to say. I found the first 4-5 hours "ok" but after that I found it a real struggle. And even then I was not doing all the driving, so congrats on that! Good thing you had some tunes too :-D

PIty about the weather in france, but glad to hear you had a good holiday regardless.

Yes, Andy Cutler's book is quite a read. I think it's one of those books that everybody with this illness should have because there is so much in there about every aspect of this toxicity and how to deal with it in a way I think sounds safer and more logical than many other protocols. My only criticism is he's not really gone into diet very much and there is no plan laid out for that, but again he's not really specialised in that area so no surprise. He does mention antifungals, but this is not really a good idea unless the diet itself has been addressed first.

Good to hear you gained an appetite back. Same thing happened to me. I had almost no appetite until I went on the candida diet and gradually gained it back and some weight which I needed. Right now though things are not working so well and I dont seem to be controlling the yeast problems, even though I'm on the same that is a little concerning. However, I took "algae" supplement powder recently and I wonder if that's done something. I hear it is like a fungus itself and not so great for those with candida. Maybe some people tolerate it, but I did not and I suspect that maybe responsible...still I can't be certain. It was chlorella and spirulina that I took (never again).

Sorry to hear about the n.acetyl cysteine. WOW, what a reaction. Bizzare what can happen!! but I am glad you didn't overdo it because imagine what would have occured? ouch. But this is still concerning. You can see why two people committed suicide after using it in large doses eh? Doctor put them on massive doses of it for mercury and both ended their lives soon after. No doubt this is very rare, but even if it is rare, doesn't mean there are not many other patients who have been very close to doing the same and managed somehow to hold on (which is still unacceptable).

So yeah, I am finding that there is some risky stuff out there that mercury victims are being told to take (randomly) and often they are the high sulfur supplements or algae (chlorella for example). In some people they can cause more harm than good. Ok for those who may have a better capacity for eliminating what has been stirred up wildly, but to me there is always the risk for damage or backfire.

I am on another forum where quite a few people are taking andy's protocol and doing pretty well. Some almost cured, so certainly word is getting out about it. When you consider two other forums are devoted to his protocol alone, that ought to say something! Considering most were previously injured by other methods.

So here is hoping that it will be helpful to you and get the stuff OUT. Certainly his protocol can also often "correct" a bad reaction that another substance or protocol may have caused (redistribution). Andy even warns against the effects of too much exercise becuase even this alone can redistribute mercury too, so should be done in moderation unless the person is far enough ahead that they can handle the symptoms. Sweating is great too (You can do that in a hot bath using Epsom Salts or a mixture of Sea Salt and baking soda). Aids some metal elimination via the pores, but again never overdo it. If you are heat intolerant, it is better not to make the bath too hot because far from aiding yourself to eliminate anything, you just stress out your system and weaken yourself and some people cannot sweat properly (i now have that problem).


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