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Night of fast 11
swordfast Views: 1,636
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Night of fast 11

Today was a hell of a day. A HELL OF A DAY

The description below might upset someone sensitive so please if you think you don't like reading such things don't.

first, after I posted in the morning, my nose started running. My sickness/ill feeling came back strong and I couldn't get rid of it. My body wanted to vomit out something. So I said you know what, let me vomit it out. I go to the bathroom and try - no luck. It made it to my throat, gave me the sick after-taste, but I couldn't get the thrust and stomach contraction to get it going. I decided if it ain't coming up, its coming down. I drank lots of water, relaxed for a while, and decided to take enema. I took one. It worked but the sickness was still there. When I try to press my stomach with my hand, I get this weird stomach pain. I thought to my self what the hell is this about. I figured best to ignore it.

I relaxed, tried to lied down, covered my self and stayed warm for a couple of hours. All the while blowing out my nose. My sick stomach feeling was still there. My close friend (the guy i mentioned before who is a professional doctor) comes in without an appointment because he has the keys to my house. Now although he is a professional doctor, he knows that fasting can be good for you, especially that he also knows person A and B, and their story I mentioned before (those that healed themselves from a 40 day Water Fast I mentioned earlier in a post).

I told him briefly what I went through. He dismissed it, saying that you shouldn't have anything to puke, what are you trying to get rid of? I didn't know what to say. anyways I concluded that I have two problems: my flu, thats causing my nose and throat problem, and something in my stomach, which my friend finds surprising. Later on I couldn't take the stomach annoyance anymore and decided to trying throwing up again. I go to the bathroom and throw up. After numerous attempts, lots of vomit came out. It was clear, it was bubbling, and it had red blood blobs. Probably three or four. Another 5 minutes and I puke again, again same liquid, same red blobs. I showed this to my friend, and he told me that I have stomach abrasion, a condition in which I get an area of the stomach which has been attacked by the digestive acids and is causing this red stuff to come out. I explained to him the pressing pain i got when i pressed my stomach, he said this is all the more evidence to suggest that I have this. He said I must drink milk now to ease the acidity of my stomach.
I asked him if is there any fruit or vegetable juice out there that is alkali and not acidic. He didnt know of such a thing, and he told me this is standard protocol for doctors, you have this problem, you let the patient drink milk. I asked him if i can water it down, he said no. I reminded him i haven't eaten or drank anything in 11 days. I mean who breaks a Water Fast with milk! He then said drink watered down milk now and follow it with pure milk. I was very resistant, it got a bit dramatic. he swore to me that if he had endoscopy cameras to show me my stomach lining, i would see a red area that looks like its in big trouble. HE also added that its a reversible problem if I don't let this go to the next stage, which is something similar to permanent ulcers. I decided to go ahead with it since my ultimate goal is to be healthy, and I simply put, didn't know any better.
I added one shot of milk to 3 shots of water, drank that, and then drank one shot of milk. very small amount. I guess that technically ends my fast. However he said if this pain is gone tomorrow, continue the fast. But he said if it continues, he recommends that I start my ramp up away from fast into a healthy diet.

I don't know what made him think I can continue tomorrow without this happening again. Now I am guessing he reckons that its maybe that I had a stomach acidity surge because of my sickness / infection. I will ask him. Anyways After those shots of milk, I did feel better very quickly, which made me believe him 100 %. I continued consuming only water but then an hour before now (now is 1.20am), I started feeling the stomach abrasion again very lightly.

Currently, my dominant feeling is that I am sick from this cold/flu/influenza thing. My body has been warm all day, its still warm, and my stomach feeling has been reduced, but not eliminated. Come to think of it, I am gonna go take another shot of pure milk. as for what now? i haven't decided yet. I have to rid this infection and sickness and pain so I can get my head straight.

Thats my day. How was everybody else's?


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