Use of Mag07 & low Vit D count
Has anyone had this problem? Over 2 years ago I did the whole series of cleanses/flushes. I read & was told that Mag07, like
Oxypowder & homozon, were NOT laxitives...this may be true as to there method of action; however - I continued to take 2 Mag07 capsules nightly. I was told this was a good way to introduce oxygen into the system & keep regular.
Now to the problem: I had my first complete blood work in 2 years done last week & my Vit D count was "in the toilet"!!! funny, but no joke!
12 mg/mL BELOW the low end of normal.
I was diagnosed several years go with osteoporosis so I am VERY careful to get sufficient Vit D, calcium, boron, etc. My daily multi has 400IU & I take an additional 800IU of Vit D on top of that...not to mention I live in FL & get plenty of sun on my skin.
I started searching the web & found several references to laxitives causing low Vit D levels. Since Vit D is strictly used to regulate calcium in the body it is lost through the bowels when to much water is pulled into them - as laxitives do - and "oxy" therapies, too, obviously.
Even though these do not contain stimulants, they do loosen the stool by pulling water from the body. I also drink recommended amount of water daily, so I know that it is not depleting my system.
I stopped the Mag07 immediately & have switched back to eating oat bran & psyllium.
I am very concerned on how long it will take to get my Vit D levels back to normal & how much damage I have done to my bones in the past 2 1/2 years! I also used the Mag07 because of the "oxygen enhancing" benefit - is there a substitute for that that I can safely use? I considered one of the "oxygen drops" but wonder about the safety of that too, now.
Any feedback is appreciated.