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Status: R [Message
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BSA certainly deserved for this post
This has to be the best post I have ever read on CureZone.
I think it important that we have more posts like this on iodine, thyroid or detox related issues. This is an
Iodine forum, but we are whole people and the other forums are not so active. Pioneer work is being done here. Perhaps Turiya could write a couple of posts on thyroid clearing, or whatever she feels pertinent to this forum. I would not object, at least, if others would not.
I especially appreciate that certain chakra image. Although I studied chakras long ago, I had no idea gallbladder/liver problems were related to survival issues - I had always thought anger. That alone was worth the post to me, and goes to show that one never knows what little piece of information will touch someone. That information gives me another way to look at the world.
I am watching my own journey detoxing from apathy and how
Iodine has helped that. I have a long way to go, I know. I feel bad sometimes when I hear Dr. Phil, "I want you to enjoy your life!" because I know how much my
Depression and apathy have held me back in the last 15 years. Before that I had loads of accomplishments, but never any real peace. I was driven, but avoided real issues. Certainly
Iodine has helped me, and Curezone, especially this forum, have been a lifeline for me. Simply, but heartfelt - Thank you!