Re: addiction-off the iodine topic-trapper input, please?
How do you get rid of an addiction to food? I have believed for a long time that I have a fixation with comfort food. I could give you the whole brutal psychological breakdown as to why, but not necessary. I do know that I eat, particularly when I am alone, and love to chew and chew, so in trying to change my eating lifestyle, I chew and chew stuff like carrots, almonds, jerky (yeah, I know), but then I will go for things like peanut butter crackers, corn chips with salsa, etc.Don't tell me to chew gum!, weirdly enough, I hate gum. I frequently crave salt now, sometimes sugar, but it used to be the other way around. When I was 12 and began to be abused, I started gorging on
Sugar until I could get to the stupor faze. Fortunately, I seem to have stopped with the sugar.
Point is, therapy has not helped. I struggle with this, and am hoping that you have some wisdom - I would agree that food addiction is dreadful, even if it's a "healthy-food" addiction day for me.
I do feel that
Iodine has had a balancing effect on my blood sugar, and gastronintestinally it has done wonders.
I have been supplementing with magnesium citrate for about a month now, hoping that it would help.