well, when the sun went down and all there was to eat was a hamburger, i ate mine med rare without a bun. then a handful of potato chips. my GI handled it perfectly, and i did not even have the usual corpse food smell afterward. they butchered the lone tomato(labeled arkansas and it tasted of it, mmmmmm) the next day and it was all i could do to not eat it all. that and the handfull of blackberries i could find was the only raw food on hand. there were huge bags of kitkats and hershey bars and other candy that i passed on.
there wasnt one thing except for the tomato that was worth eating. beer and soda in cans was another centerpiece that added to the nightmare. i could have spent the whole two days telling them how bad everything was for them. i did eat a sarah lee sandwich(turkey on wheat). count me as one of those who do not like her. another lie of the MMM exposed for what it is! but on second thought, i doubt that i really count to them anyway.