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Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 921,029


I read the bowel flora post and started to respond, was afraid of hijacking the thread and getting off topic.

I do not believe that Iodine is harmful to the good bacteria. In fact, I think it inhibits the growth of candida and allows the good bacteria to flourish.

But every time I've put Iodine in an enema, I've gotten a bad hemorrhoid attack. Even with just four drops of Lugols. I am almost certain it is because the parasites hate Lugols; I can feel them digging into me deeper, moving around to new places, looking for a safe place to hide. After they start migrating like that, the hemorrhoids get very painful. Last time I got a tiny fissure and it took three weeks to clear it up.

A few months ago I began putting Lugols diluted with distilled water on a sponge and inserting vaginally, to treat a chronic non-specific vaginitis infection. At first it kind of hurt and burned. Once the infection began clearing up, I could use lots more drops without a problem.

I'm sure it will be the same with the colon. When my bowels are healthy, the Lugol's won't hurt me. For now I'll use the Lugols indirectly, through the vaginal tissues and I've ordered some essential oils that I can use internally for hemorrhoids.



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