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Re: yes, SPIT! :)
wombat Views: 5,461
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 921,056

Re: yes, SPIT! :)

Oh, don't worry about hijacking a thread, we all do it and your "off topics" are always stimulating:)

We are TEAMING with microorganisms. As Udo Erasmus points out, if "fed" the wrong food these lil critters can transform into cancer causing...? assisting... ? beasties, well, why not the critters in our mouths as well? These microorganisms are present THROUGHOUT our bodies, throughout our bodily fluids.

An aside...I "cured" my dental plaque through the practice of OP. Well, since iodine, I have not been as religious about it as I used to be. I still don't build plaque.oh, I get a little, but not the hard stuff... I have happy spit:) happy fluids, shall we say?

You read Newport's reply, yes?

" Orlee states that almost all intestinal bacteria require Iodine in their DNA as a stop point the few that don't requiry yttrium..."

and this, from my a-ha! post?

"Evidence suggests that signals are transmitted between some groups of microbes. In addition, microbial flora populations can vary between individuals. For instance, there are differences in the flora between vegetarians and non-vegetarians; older people and younger people; and healthy people and people with conditions such as ulcers or colon cancer."

I think you've got happy spit now(teaming with powerful purple Iodine sufficient microbes), Glax:) Happy spit = happy teeth!


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