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Re: Chained up Dog
Invincible Views: 1,832
Published: 18 y
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Re: Chained up Dog

Hi Angelblue

I've given quite a lot of thought to this situation. I know it's been distressing ... but I hope the words that follow may offer some comfort to you.

I was thinking how in the West, we look at pictures of starving kids in Africa etc. and we want for them what we have. We believe they deserve what we have and see it as unfair that they can't have what we feel is essential to ourselves.

We become miserable ourselves by wanting for them what doesn't seem possible in the short term.

The thing is, those who have been living in poverty all their life don't have the same desires as us who have never known it. When we think of things we want, we're thinking about new cars, or a bigger house, or the latest television, or the holiday abroad or the new xyz etc..

Those in extreme poverty dream of stuff much more basic than us .. some food, shelter, water ... kids will be delighted and play for weeks with a balloon, a paper clip of a rubber band. (Could you imagine Western kids being excited about that??)

What I'm trying to get across here is that this beautiful dog that has caused you to become so full of love and compassion does not know how to dream of becoming a dog that is kept in the house, loved like a child .... this dog doesn't even know that experience for it to miss it or desire it.

So, ANY small improvement is a wonderful gift for this dog. Even when you glance over and send your love, this dog is experiencing a deep feeling of gratitude and joy.

A dog is a very sensory animal, they can pick up your vibes ... this dog will know how you feel and I'm sure the last thing it wants is for it's life to be causing you suffering and pain. It suffers when you suffer.

So, I urge you in continuing your slowly and gently attitude to improving this dog's life and never feel like it's not enough ... because ANYTHING that can be done is better than it would have been before. ANY slight action of improvement will be a real joy to this dog.

"A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step"

So dry your tears, sweet lady, and take heart that you have ALREADY improved this dog's life with your sending love.

Stay focused. When a burning desire for change takes place and one focuses on the potential (not the negatives) it attracts into our lives more creative ideas and actions not thought possible before ... just remain open to thoughts that come your way and when they do, just approch the dog's owners calmly. Persistance pays!

Please keep me posted.

I send love and healing your way.



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