Just got this email alert. I can seey why you would be worried abut blood. if this is like a teaspoon worth then it is not much to worry about. Pain is more of an indication of something seriously wrong, as well as stomach/tummy distension, or extreme tiredness like you cant get out of bed or can just crawl to the loo and back.
Have you read about the ACTION of Intestinal 1 herbs? especially the first herb? it is a very strong muscle toner and this can get rid of such a lot of things. I used to take 40 - 50 just to get an action. now I am down to 2-4 till I do a detox session.
You may have a bit of hemeriods this can also cuase bleeding but it is not seriuos unless the bleeding gets a lot worse. My partner has this problem and it can be made worse depending on what you eat.
Hope this helps a bit.