Re: Oil Pulling - Results and Questions
I have answers to your questions.
1.) What about the toothbrush you use after each oil pulling session...isn't it contaminated too? Should you use a separate toothbrush to brush after oil pulling vs. regular brushing??? I think this would be a good idea!
What I do and would recommend is that you use the Oral B "brush ups" that you put put on your index finger and brush. They are a one use disposable brushing device. The reason I recommend this is that if you are placing large amounts of bacteria on a toothbrush even if it is for a specific purpose, the bacteria will still continue to grow and you will be reinfecting your mouth.
I tend to sterilize my toothbrushes at least once a week by placing them in hot water or soaking them in listerine.
2.) I have read where people are using baking soda and AVC as rinses after oil pulling. I thought that both of these products would eat the enamel off of your teeth. Shouldn't they use caution and could this possibly be why some people are seeing great results of whiter teeth, as baking soda WILL make your teeth whiter...but it strips away the enamel as well. Am I wrong on this????
It will not strip away the enamel on your teeth. The baking soda will neutralize some of the properties of the vinegar, not the point where it is ineffective..just to the point where it doesn't damage your teeth.
After I oil pull sometimes I use a warm water, salt, and a cap full of hydrogen peroxide. It has done wonders. Hope this helps.
Best Wishes.