Thanks for your information.
I do remineralize some of my water, but not all. I believe that distilled water is also good for the body, especially when fasting or doing other cleanses. For me, its a constant balancing act trying to see what works best at any given time. All I know is the water from Beaver Lake (there's DEAD PEOPLE in there as the local joke goes) makes me feel ill just smelling it. While I know it is heavily treated with purifying chemicals, I also know that several of my neighbors dump their raw sewage from their bathroom directly into creeks that feed the lake; add to that the fertilizers, chicken litter (the poop from the Tyson's chicken some of y'all had for supper), pesticides, plus whatever all those chemtrails are dumping into the air, land and water makes me leery of the local tap water. Many of the wells and springs have similar pollutants. This rural paradise has been poisoned just like most of the world. I'll take distilled water and fix it to meet my needs anytime, my next choice is the RO water I sometimes buy to use at work. No meeting around the water fountain for me.