Can you drink watered down apple juice?? Or eat apples? If not, then taking a couple malic acid capsules a day will help loosen debris from your liver and help shrink any stones and sludge you have in there, so you can naturally pass it on out. Cheap, painless and easy. Apple cider vinegar will do the same thing - if you like the stuff.
Psyllium and Bentonite shakes will start the Bowel Cleanse in an affordable way - it simpyl takes time. I prefer Oxypowder myself - less bloating and only a week or so at a time, but it costs more.
I find cayenne in lemonade to really help the liver and bowel.. not to mention the kidneys. Even just lemon or lime juice in the first morning water is great for cleansing.
It is what we do daily, rather than any big cleanse that determines our health - so eliminating the toxins coming in first is always a great place to start.