I stumbled upon this woman's video not too long ago, and it touched my heart in more ways than one. Shelley Yates and her son drowned one day in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada and came back with messages to tell the world her story. Now some of this may seem unbelievable, but it is worth a listen if you care about what is really happening to our world at this point in time. Because it is extremely important right now - I felt the need to post it publicaly. Below is the google video link to her amazing story.
If you have some time in your busy lives to just take a peek, listen to the whole thing and then judge. Those who participate in this amazing event will not only benefit, but will help save our world and promote HEALTH, Happiness and Peace! We ALL want it and it's needed, badly!
This event takes place this July 17 '07 at 11:11am GMT (Greenwitch Mean Time), online has a conversion site for different time zones or just visit her website at fire the grid and it will convert it for you automatically.
This is in NO WAY a commercial website or any commercial links. There is no money or anything involved here. What is needed right now is your help and your time.
HURRY, Only 11 days left! JOIN THE 9 MILLION PEOPLE WHO ARE PARTICIPATING! It is growing every day with more people. Hey.. It's totally up to you.......