Re: A CureZone E-Book... What do ya think? vote here...
Curezone doesn't need a book. I'm sorry but it needs a bettter forum. A big one, a typical Message Board style where we could search and *bump* old and helpful threads. A forum where you can scroll down and read everyone's replies rather than link by link by link by link.
A forum where "stickies" could be *stuck* at the top with FAQ's.
1 thread that keeps getting bumped at the top every week called "What Day of LF'ing are you on" and EVERYONE can post their results and then a new one for the next week or so. Rather than 500 people posting questions and their results all over the place and getting disapointed because they only get 1 or 2 replies.
The reason the same questions gets asked over and over and over is because this forum style sucks. There's nothing wrong with the poeple here or the content, it's the forum. A Book is not going to help. Half the noobs don't even read the "Cleansing" link; probably because this website is such a mess and can be confusing.
Anyone who disagrees has probably never been to a real message board. I'm not talking about Yahoo Group style either.