Re: Help please! EFT left me feeling can i undo!?
Actually something kind of similar happened to me - but it ended up being for the better. I have significant issues with my Mother. She can be so cruel to my wife and kids that it ended up almost breaking up my marriage several times. Still, she's my mother and I've always excused her at every turn and given every benefit of the doubt.
After doing EFT often on the issue, the issue that provided relief was my emotional dependance on her. After tapping on that, I found quite a bit of relief - but it did make me feel more distant and less sympathetic. But afterall, it's called "Emotional Freedom" not "Emotional Empathy" (though I've also tapped on my occasional lack of empathy and had great results).
Her behaviour towards my kids was the last straw, and I've been more or less estranged from her ever since. Unfortunately the only choices she gives is her way or the highway. For now I've taken the highway, but if she ever sees the error of her ways the whole process will have been very positive. If not, it's better to provide a healthy environment for my wife and kids than wishful thinking and bleak hopes in a cruelly manipulative relationship with my mother.
Based on my experience, I'd say trust the EFT and see where it takes you.