Help please! EFT left me feeling can i undo!?
I tried Eft a few weeks ago, just based on the free manual, wanting mainly to ease some stress, anxiety and depression...which did work i think, my moods seem much more stable. However it almost feels like it's gone too far - i feel flat, unstressed to the point of not caring, unreactive to things going on around me, even when regarding people who i do strongly care about - almost have to remind myself that I do care, coz i remember i did, but not feeling it....whether or not it was the eft I'm not sure tho.It is effecting my life around me, so really want to be able to do something about it!
Regardless of what the cause is, what would be the best way, using eft, to tackle this 'non-feeling'....? I haven't had enough experience with eft to know how best to use it, and am feeling a little weary of it now incase somehow I can do damage from mis-using it.
thanks anyone!! :)
Help please!