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Re: Leaky Gut
  Views: 8,722
Published: 18 y
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Re: Leaky Gut

I got the garlic oil from a health food radio show I listened to today. The ND describe how important phytonutrients are and he also discused garlic oil and cayenne to build the immune system and increase blood and oxygen circulation. I do know that garlic kills parasites.

Here a link from someone who cured there leak gut with cayenne and garlic and Dr. Schulze 's superfood product

My naturopathic docter recommned I drink this liver tonic: lemon, olive oil, grapeseed, garlic and ginger three times a day and also drink liquid chlorphyll that contains loads of greens, food enzymes, vitmains and minerals and drink loads of distilled water w/ lemon.

My main goal is healing the colon congestion and my body OVERALL to gain weight and reduce these dark circles and puffy eyes.




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