I know your motives are true and you're one of the good ones too! I know you have helped a lot of people and I've kept a couple of your posts. I was just trying to show OUR hatred for the conventional medical system can cause harm too. WE have to take the high road and keep OUR standards higher than theirs.
And I truly understand your hatred for the medical establishment, all my relitives were killed by them. A old friend of mine who didn't believe in what we do, was killed by them last weekend. He went in the have a bengin tumor frozen and wound up dying from it. There wasn't supposed to be any chance of death involved. I also work in part of the medical field and see needless death everywhere.
After years of preaching my hatred I've learned it's not the best way to help others. Our goal should only be to give them something they can consume. We can help more people that way.
Nice to see we are both still growing! Peace Amigo!