Re: EEP! What in the name of...
It was mucoid plaque, sorry :)...
LOL... I won't tell anyone you're here, don't worry... nor will I tell anyone that I suspect you to be an avocado junkie like me....
I was eating them for about two weeks and 2-3 days consistantly. Don't get your hopes up though, I really don't know if it was just the avocados, or those in addition to the cleansing I had done before, or just something FINALLY making it's way out from the cleansing. My tummy had been a bit upset so things might have been rolling around in there for awhile. It was also the biggest thing I'd passed by a long shot.. 5 or 6 times bigger. Either way, I can't help but feel like the avocados did something. I did read up a bit after that post and heard from a few places that avocados are useful in keeping one regular.. so in high amounts, perhaps they could have some kind of um, purging effect... I also heard it's not good to eat more than one a day due to the fat content. Of course I listen SOOOO well...
To daizyqueen... I'm sorry you didn't pass anything. Disappointing, I know. It took me two rounds of P&B's to see anything significant (although I did pass small amounts and a few worms ,yeep!, a couple months after switching to a short-lived 100% raw diet. Wasn't sure what it was but after seeing the big ones I figured it out...). The one I did before the great avocado caper was for a couple weeks, and I worked myself up to 4 shakes a day before passing plaque. I had to drink a TON of water to keep from getting plugged up, and laxatives to boot. Those things are harsh... and I learned from it that something needs to be incorporated to help move things along. It seems like the P&B's catch the stuff and a lax. (or avocado, apparently?) pushes it out. You hear a lot of people that see no results and just get painful constipation on the P&B's. Unfortunate... and dangerous.
So maybe I should start a P&B&A forum? A for avocado, of course :) Maybe that's the secret...Unfortunately I don't thinkt the Avocado Fast or Cleanse will be catching on any time soon...
Take care