Re: Shroom?
Hi Doc--good to hear from you. I would love to have those photo's.
As for the infrared thing--It's just about using the light spectra to "loosely" identify atomic densities, and getting some vague idea of chemical make-up. Identifying ATP is easy--just look at sperm under the microscope, and the ATP glares right up at you---It is very active.
I recommend that you look down the page of this forum, and there is a radio talk-show host with guests who give scientific information on Morgellions. I posted my theory on the
Candida Forum , where I call my own brand "fibrons".
These things, in my opinion are basically the left-over technology of a bio\chem weapon, put to commercial use in pesticides. I will bet my left nut, you will find the most promenant cases in ural areas, with insects and farm animals exibiting the most obvious display of fiber infections. It was most likely designed as an insecticide for one of 30 or more thousand bio-gen and nano tech companies around the world competing for investors. It is the most expedient commercial application for this type of technology, with little regulatory governance. Shroom