Re: Canada/USA Border, a true nightmare, MH
The rest of the story:
I guess those in Canada would want to know this trucker story took place in what they call BC. I just call everything north of he usa Canada.
The night they had to spend in Canada waiting on the doser to be washed free of dirt they were approched at 2 am in the morning by a crazy women beating on the truck door. The near 80 year old driver asked if she was the police or had a badge and she said no, but you have a fire under your truck.............he asked her to get off of his truck and she refused and she demanded he had a fire under his truck and to come and look..............
Being a trucker all his life, he KNEW this woman had thugs waiting behind his truck to rob/kill him and he ordered this woman off his truck and she refused, so he put it in gear and through her from the truck and he didn't stop until he found another road side spot...needless to say, that was quite the experince for Brenda's mother at 2 AM and wondering if they were going to survive this Canada/BC experience...
Naturally these things happen just as much in the USA if not worse! I assume many a trucker carries defensive weapons and most expensive trucks are hooked up with satelight indentification/location, etc...
Needless to say, they won't be buying any more dozers from Canada, while the Mexican Border has always treated them well as they supply old Mexico if the half worn out Dozers of the USA.