Re: Canada/USA Border, a true nightmare, MH
In they had to remove the axles from their truck, out they had to remove the minute dirt, all such guards seem to always be at the USA/Canadian border. Same attitude, same area where these employees work. Two governments making life difficult for the stock. Either way, people have been caught up in nightmares after they have visited Canada and wanted to return home for as long as I have ever heard; it use to just be fishermen/hunters that were taken advantage of and now it seems like everyone is open game.
It makes zero sense why Canada would demand that cheater axles be removed from the truck, when a switch operated by air can raise them up off the road, while in the USA every state wants all the trucks to have the cheater axles to save the bridges and back roads that are not built strong enough to handle the weight. Then to the extreme to force a truck driver to remove the bolts and drop the axles along the high way before entering Canada is just another bazarr and most ignorant story I have heard to date about the Canadian Border Guards. Right up there with the stupidity that a customer could not return a couple of empty plastic bottles and was forced away from the border because of empty bottles..Most of the stories I have heard for 40 years have been that the guards take anything that is of value and threaten you with jail unless you leave Canada while your still free to do so.
The last idea I heard is the theroy of making South and North America all one country again, so CHINA can freely ship all products into Mexico and then be trucked through out the USA and into Canada with 100% freedom in that both borders will be dismantled and we will all just be North Americans and the Queen's signs and her aluminum money can all be put to the dumper as Visa takes full control of us all. A person I know in banking says very soon checks will be eliminated and many shows hint that all money will be eliminated as one card, a identification card will be used for all transactions and money will buy nothing, do nothing with out your government issued card. As we are standardized by the UN, the need for borders will be erased. These days are coming rapidly, which means the free trade of herbs is coming to a rapid halt that has been predicted by many over the past 50 years. If we are forced to Canada standards with herbs, most of the benificial herbs that made Dr. Christopher famous, will all become ilegal to possess/sell/use. As we become one as in the days of NIMROD, we will loose our freedoms and become one large herd.
We are herded by way of $$$$, just as President Bush ordered the state of Texas to invest in Windmill electricity years ago, he is driving the price of oil sky high in an effort to make the other methods seem the better choice and in this way, we will slowly go away from oil. So all of his oil rich buddies have ample years of before knowledge to pre-invest with the companies that we humans will seek out for our future products.