Re: Canada/USA Border, a true nightmare, MH
The Canadian medical system is not perfect; I wasn't saying that it was perfect. There are lots of things that need changing like long waiting lists for major surgeries. As for different types of treatments, the US may have more options - fair enough. As a Canadian, I have the option of taking advantage of this and can pay for it accordingly. On the flip side, I believe I'd rather be in Canada if I have a medical emergency or accident because like I said, I get to keep my house.
As for the "Canadian work ethic"; there are lazy people everywhere. I think I work hard at my job but work with people who don't seem to work hard at all. ALL COMPANIES - I'm sure ALL COUNTRIES.
And as for Canadians not liking US citizens, this is a generalization of an entire population. So until you know all 30 million Canadians and their actual opinion, it can't really seem all that valid. I've met groups of American people through my American friends; they've all been lovely people. And I'm sure there are tons of Americans that would say the same of Canadians. At the end of the day, there are going to be loser people in every corner of the globe. It has nothing to do with the COUNTRY and everything to do with the individual. But on a side note, it is generally not a friendly attribute to state someone is jealous of another, especially when it may not be overly accurate (at least not for me). Statements like those perpetuate the exact same negative feelings you say exist between the two nations. It's good that you believe you live in a fantastic nation(sad if you're losing it). I can think the same of mine. It does not mean jealousy.