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Re: Need some advice - Please ????
dreaming ofhawaii Views: 2,199
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 892,596

Re: Need some advice - Please ????

Louizoz, You have gotten some good advice from everyone. LBB and enemas are great. You can use the enemas until the LBB arrives and whenever you need them thereafter. I also live overseas and have had my son order the LBB for me. Since I used that bottle, I have ordered the Dr. Christopher's LBB. Probably not as fresh as Barefoot's LBB, but it works just as well. Here is a link.

You can probably buy it or order it from a lot of different sources. You will have to take it for quite awhile, nine months or so, but it does strengthen the lazy colon you have developed. Don't be surprised if you have to take 9 or 10 pills a day or more. So buy accordingly. When I get back to the States again I will be ordering from Barefoot.

Aloha, K


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