Louizoz,to answer your questions from your last post;
1.have not had a bowel-movement since wednesday,
after last colonic.
even though your colon/bowels were cleansed,(a very good thing!)
this does not mean your peristalsis (bowel-muscle/the function
to move feces down and out) is working again!
Whereas senna,epsom-salts relaxes the muscles and threfore
make it possible to have bowel movements,these laxatives are
only short term fixes.
THE MOST IMPORTANT thing is to get this peristalsis working again,
or you will never be able to go *on you own* again
The MOST important herb that will stimulate/repair is CASCARA SAGRADA
no matter what people say as it being addictive-this is not so!
Senna,epsom-salts ARE while not doing anything long term for your
This is all explained in the last link in my last post
IT is very important to read read read.
The better you understand the bowel functions,
knowing/understanding what you have to do(AND NOT DO) to get it
in shape again,the sooner it WILL
or as MH says-*the BODY will follow the MIND*
to put year mind at ease about not having had a b-movement
since wednesday,read this
2.colonics and enemas
they are good to get junk out,but do nothing/little?
to get them funtioning again
3.What is LBB exactly ?Answered in link my last post (pdf barefoot)
4.Why does it involve taking more pills(when few are not working?)Answered.
see above
5.What is in this stuff;
(MH uses 1/2 amount of cayenne as stated in above post,
and adds a1/2 amount of olive leaf instead
all in powdered form)
6.Everyone says it is safe But is it?
yes. Christopher MH Schulze say it is food/nourishment (of bowel)
7.Have people had long time results from this.yesyesyesyesyes
not only bowel ,but countless benefits.
that explaines the saying *90+dis-eases/ailments start in the bowel*
8.can I get this stuff in Australia
I don't know.write all the herbs down from post above and Google herbs
Most important Cascara! any other herbs you can get is better!
if a few are missing,so be it,don't worry about it
i'd think any herb-health-store carries cascara.Buy it, take 3-4
wait4 hour.if no rumbling by then,take 1-2-3 more,drink water,
preferably as hot as you can take it,if not,room temperature
9.I have so many questions.i and other people will answer them
please read the links so far thoroughly/we all have to do homework,
as said before,body follows mind(knowledge/grasp/understanding/
What i did,was order all the LBB herbs organic including olive leave
from link below.(not affileated)it took three weeks to get here,europe,
the least amount of herb available is 1lb(american)
bought 1lb of each and 2lb cascara=1000caps
total of 5 1/2kilo's 234us4 /shipping costs 57 us$
big investment for me,but happy i did(You know....90+of all diseases start....
when i first found CureZone,and seeing all those cleanses,
i wanted to do them all,and jumped right in
liver and parasite-cleanses,etc.
i have to admit that i'm not to well disaplined,
and tend to be all or sliding back.
My bowel movements never stopped completely,but allways bloated
In my case it took me too long to realise how important the colon
really is.Well,i knew,and at the same time i did'nt.
Don't make that same mistake,it will save you sooo much time,
frustration and money too
next post coming,afraid this one will disappear :)