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Re: Mold & fungus info.
Fungifactor8 Views: 5,127
Published: 18 y
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Re: Mold & fungus info.

The biggest problem is that most doctors are not knowledgable on anti fungal protocols. Naturopaths are your best hope.

Be sure to avoid Antibiotics if at all possible. If you have to use one, use a pro-biotic after the Antibiotic has run it's course. The good bacterial flora must be restored to a strength equal to the fungal strength for them to be in balance. If either is stronger it causes problems. Strength is defined as quantitative and/ or qualitative. Different bacteria have different strengths. Different fungi, including yeast, have different strengths. The fungi and their mycotoxins which are used to make the T-2 Mycotoxin biological weapons are very strong and effective at harming the brain and nervous system. Since they are so strong it only takes a few of them to drastically change the bacterial/ fungal balance in the human body.

I correspond with some people who have had their health devastated by these mold fungi and their mycotoxins.

The best thing to do is have your home environment tested by a qualified mold testing company. The cost will pay for itself if you reduce your healthcare and quality of life costs. This will give you some hard data to see if this is contributing to your health problems. It can also be at your workplace or your school.

It can also be in your outdoor environment, especially if you are in an area where there has been flooding which ruined buildings, like areas affected by hurricane Katrina. I am very concerned about people in those areas. They have no idea what all the molds from those moldy buildings is doing to all the people in those areas. Anything invisible gives the false security that it is not harming you. Anthrax is invisible. Even under normal conditions, when pollems are at their highest levels the mold spores in the air are 100 to 1000 times higher. But you never hear about the mold levels.

Pollens are generative in nature. They make things grow. Mold is degenerative in nature. Their job in nature is to degenerate and break down all biological material to their basic elements, and recycle them back to Mother Nature from whence they came. They suck the moisture and nutrients out of a piece of wood turning it into dry rot. They attempt to do the same to our bodies. It is just a lot more complex in the human body with our immune defense system. But if they accumulate to levels too strong for our cleaning systems to control them they are able to wear the systems down. They are like gremlins in the works. Give them moisture and the nutrients from our bodies and they grow, sucking the moisture and nutrients, like carbohydrates, right out of us for their own use.

We are getting more and more fungi from Antibiotics directly from prescriptions and indirectly through our meat products. Due to the conditions in which they raise the animals they are subject to bacterial infections and diseases. So, they give them fungal Antibiotics routinely as a preventative. As a member of the Union of Concerned Scientists I am active in petitioning these companies to stop this practice. Slowly it is changing this practice.

We are also getting additional mold fungi and the mycotoxin of aflatoxins in our food supply. Mold and the aflatoxins enter our food supply at many points. During storage, production and transportation. Corn, wheat, chocolate, all fermented products all contribute the the accumulation of mold fungi in our bodies. Grains and fruits are aged, molded to produce beers and wines. You are drinking mold toxins. The poisonous effects of those mold toxins is what gets you high.

What to do?

Have your environments tested to get some accurate data, to take some of the guess work out of it. Or, at least proceed thru the process of elimination.

Get an air cleaner with a HEPA filter to clean your breathing environment from as many allergens etc. as possible. This will reduce additional fungi and other allergens from accumulating inside your body. Your body needs a little help untill levels are brought to a level they can control. EVERYONE should have one in their home these days with all the allergens and toxins in the air.

A vacuum with a HEPA filter is a very good tool to also capture the mold from your environment. The idea is to reduce additional incoming as much as possible. If your home has a mold problem remediation will be required to correct the problem. Just because mold is not visible does not mean you do not have a mold problem. They grow inside the walls and ceiling and floors long before they become visible to the eye.

Balancing out the fungi/ bacterial balance with a good bacteria like acidophyllus is good. A good probiotic. A good yogurt is a good probiotic, especially if it has the main four good bacteria in it.

Chlorophyllin saturates the body with chlorophyl, which mold fungi and their mycotoxins do not like. Chlorophyl makes things grow. Mold fung are non-chlorophyl in nature. It makes their job of degenerating and breaking the biological material down much harder for them. This is why green vegetables, green teas, etc. are so good for you.

Red grapes have an antifungal in the skin which gets activated when they start to ferment. I like to eat them.

I like to use hydrogen peroxide in several ways. As a mouth rinse and in my ears. It is a sterilant, killing off both bacteria and fungi. The forum about hydrogen peroxide and oxygen therapies on this site has a lot of good information.

I always welcome personal emails to I try to help as many people with emails back and forth, to help them get their health back. I am not a doctor. I am a mold expossure patient turned researcher. I believe I had my toxic mold exposure in order to motivate me to find the answers I now try to communicate to others.


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