It's hell
Hello D -
Costo is hell. This is what I learned. I had costo severely for over 3 years. Prior it was somewhat manageable for a number of years.
Costo is caused by inflammation. Many people have fibromyalgia or other inflammation issues. The whole key in my mind is to attack inflammation.
Costo is a diagnosis of exclusion. They put you through all the tests, and when they can't find anything, they throw the costo diagnosis at you. Some costo is evident in swelling at the ribcage (this is Tetsis syndrome).
The first thing I did was work on the organs surrounding the ribcage area. The minute I did a
Liver Flush the pain started to go away. Colon cleansing was also extremely helpful. But in the end, I think all these cleansings were working on my inflammation issues. I was pain free for over a year.
Recently I had the flu and was coughing a lot. The pain started to come back. I was really freaked out as I thought it was gone. I actually had an attack last night in a department store that scared me. I'm not really sure if it ever goes away!
There are some that it only lasts for a short time, but there are some it is chronic. It's hard to tell which one you are.
I hope your doctor tested you for gall bladder disease? Costo mimics gallbladder disease, and visa versa.
Answer that and I can start leading you where you can go to begin the process. I have been realitively pain free for a long time now.
Do NOT go on the yahoo forums for advice. All those people talk about is taking stronger pain pills and getting their cartiledge scraped, and so on. They are totally doing themselves more harm than good.