Re: No need to be sad lass.
"I can't believe Crisco and other companies are so greedy for the dollar, they don't mind if a couple of people get sick with it. Reading up about these major companies, I find out that it's in a plastic bottle to save the company money, I should have gotten one in a dark glass bottle and from a small farm company, someone not as big as Crisco..."
You are 100% correct. Always remember this with any commercial food or product you buy-- the big corporate companies know how to bend the rules and end up corrupting anything they manufacture, and turn it toxic somehow.
Your best bet is with the small time companies that these big corporations always strive to take over and kick out of business.
I don't buy any oil in a plastic bottle-- and a good unrefined Cold Pressed olive oil (and make sure it is cold pressed so you get all the nutrients intact) should be stored in a dark glass container in a dark cool area-- like a basement.
It wouldnt surprise me if Crisco also added 30% canola oil (which is actually toxic taken internally) , and they paid off someone in the FTC to not have to add that on the label.