Re: Is New Olive Oil Causing These Headaches? or the Stir-Fries?
I am not going to go back and forth with you about this, you are turning this into a different issue and cause.
I am here for information, if anyone has experienced this or not, and what they did to get well, has anyone heard about this with any
Extra-Virgin Olive-Oil , I only mentioned the company so that it would be more complete in finding out everything about this situation. It was never to say stay away from Crisco, it was not to defend them or protect them, it was never the intension to say whether or not they are a reliable company.
I can't believe you are coming back at me like this. And to tell me earlier to try the oil again......It could have been bottle water, if something you have been doing most of your life, you add something new, and get sick like this, why try that new thing again?
I just wanted help, why spoil everything, you are just being mean, saying that I am being familar, I was kidding with you about working for Crisco, I hate when people take things out of context. There are better things than to go back and forth like this.