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Headaches now Chestpains
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Headaches now Chestpains

Maybe it is low blood pressure, my headache got slight, but then I started noticing small heart cramps and my arm vein was hurting....My mom made me some carrot juice this morning. My blood pressure my have been lowered too much, there was alot of olive oil used, because i normally use frozen broccoli, but i got fresh, and it was so hard, it would absorb the oil and start to burn and wasn't getting softer just burn, so I add more oil to it, maybe way too much......I never thought about this until now. I thought that the amount of oil used wasn't going to hurt because it was suppose to be healthy......I will read up about this more....I thought I was getting better, I guess it was because I was being more active, like on the computer and moving around yesterday, but once i stoped and got quiet, it came back.......

Thank you for your insight. I think from this moment forward, if i am ill with this, i'm going to the doctor instead of online, because it's gotten serious.

Love you Wit and Itch,



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