hello there! i have use minocycline in the past. .i have been on every tetracycline product, antibiotic, steroid, and finally accutane.... okay.. the accutane did help.. but that doesn't matter much since it has probably done more harm to my organs than i know. i have recently been reading alot on this web site and dr Hulda Clark .. you should get her book The Cure For All Diseases . get a zapper. do a parasite program.. do a liver flush, kidney flush and bowel flush... get the parasites and molds and toxins out of your body and your face will clear up.. get away from those medicines.. i became immune to them all. try using Bentonite clay.. aka aztec clay.. u can find it at a health store.. mix it with white distilled vinegar and apply it starting 4 x's a week... then go to 2 times a week.. wash ur hands.. don't touch ur face with ur hands.. cut out dairy products for awhile and breads and pasta's.. get that book though The Cure For All Diseases .. it's worth the investment..