Re: hope after minocycline?
Hey alex,
I don't know if I am too late in replying.
Either way, I do have a great suggestion for you!
I also have been down that ugly road of medicine and hopelessnes.
It was such a struggle, I hated my face, hated to have to take medicine, but was so desperate I did.
I used minocycline a couple of times. And yes, it helped temporarily but just like you, it wore off.
Our body does not need synthetic junk, our body is screaming for what it naturally needs!
So finally after a while, my mom introduced me to a product that has helped me more than any other medicine I've used. Thank goodnes because I was about to try acutane! The products are all natural, no synthetic anything. My skin care regime consists of natural botanicaly-based skin care morning and night, along with vitamin supplementation. I drink plenty of water to naturally eliminate the unneeded waste, I exercise to make sure everything is going smooth and my hormones are not stressed.
The other item that has been key to my
Acne and overall health is supplementing with natural progestereone.
Many doctors are giving out synthetic estrogene creating our bodies to be estrogen dominant--this causes acne.
Either way, I love what I have and reply if you want more info!