gotta be careful on data; especially who's data? If it's anyone even casually associated with any of the national or world cancer houses and instititutes (which in turn connects directly and more often indirectly to many universities that are generally assumed to have a good reputation just based on their name alone), they are famous for having all kinds of modern methods for cooking their numbers....stats and "data". In the Jerry Brunetti video Lyn shared recently, he spends a few minutes explaining some specifics on how they cook the numbers "on the front end, as well as the back end". The general trend here is that, given the abysmal long history orthodoxy has with all cancers combined, in recent years they've been modernizng methods by which they first "calculate" and then further manipulate the numbers. A perfect example given was a group of cancer patients who were studied (for stats) from years ago, and by the standards then collectively constituted X % stat on survival / death. Take this same group (IE> the same, already studied patients), apply the new methods and poof!, they just retroactively improved the success rate on those already-studied patients, just by using newly methods that re-produced the new Y% stat... but the dead ones are still dead.... ?... gotta keep up with the times :)