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Status: R [Message
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Re: "I DON'T WANT TO KNOW!" How COULD someone "not want to know"?????
I understand (more)...I was just being 'cutesy' :)
Most people do NOT like to have their beliefs challenged (as I'm sure you know :(
But to be absolutely proven WRONG? That not only means they're wrong about one thing (fluoride) but it also means they could be wrong about a VAST amount of things...which means they have to somehow admit they could be wrong about virtually everything they *know* is true. Even though this may not be a conscious thought, our subconscious will do everything it can to keep us from 'going there'.
Very few people want to 'go there'...and even less understand why they DON'T WANT TO.
Even on CZ, it's a rare person that actually relishes in being proven to be wrong...even when they claim they are 'truth seekers'. A select few have come to the emotional/egoic/spiritual (?) maturity to realize that being proven wrong, means that one less 'toxin' is in their mind and they get to replace it with something pure and real. And even those of us that do, sometimes still find it somehow 'harsh' to accept without some kind of a struggle.
Sigh. Progress is a process, eh?
Btw, that post? MAJOR AWESOME STUFF!
Pillows of peace...