Re: bulging stomach
hi zooii.....I've had the exact same thing happen with a mass that moves in my intestines. I can feel and see it it bulge, move down, and then ripple back up again to my stomach. I don't know which varmit it is as I have roundworms, and
Tapeworm (and flukes). I sort of suspected it was the
Tapeworm doing this. Pretty gross feeling isn't it.
Interesting, I'm also taking grapeseed extract, artimisinin, and cumanda. I feel grapeseed extract is helpful, not in killing any of the big ones, but I feel a bit better taking it, and also artimisinin perhaps? Not sure, still testing it out. The cumanda does nothing for me.
I've been taking powdered cloves a few times a day as well and this helps quite a bit in feeling better.
I've not yet been able to get rid of the big adults either, it's tough when the infection is high. I had very similar symptoms as sick and fatigued I was barely functional. I couldn't even talk with people...same thing.
I'm a lot better now, can talk with people again, and fully functional inspite of the varmits. Diet makes a huge difference, if this is of any help to you...I'd not be functional if I didn't keep a wholefoods diet.
take care.....~megan