If you are taking prescription medication because you hope that it will get rid of worms more quickly than taking God's medicine, herbs, and you have a heavy
parasite load, as most people do (because we don't usually wake up to what is going on inside of us until we are miserably ill), then you are likely to be very dissappointed.
If a doctor gave you a big enough dose to kill all the worms inside of you, your body would die trying to get rid of all the decomposing worm carcasses at once. Doctors do not seem to be aware that you have to kill them off systematically in many, many layers, or phases, either. And there are dozens of layers, if not hundreds, that have to die off, one by one. The littlest ones are the easiest to kill, too.
It is my understanding that many of the eggs will not hatch out while there is medicine in your system. So you have to start and stop the cleansing process. They also bury their eggs in the deepest tissues, which are the hardest places to clean out. And they can paralyze portions of your bowels and constipate you partially, so you won't eliminate their eggs, too. Every time a nest of eggs hatch out, you will have to exterminate again.
Doctors will get in trouble with the FDA if they give out too many prescriptions drugs to one person, because the pharmateutical drugs are very, very harsh and they will damage the liver, cause all kinds of side effects. The cure can be worse than the disease. It is like using a sandblaster to wash your dishes. It is not an effective way to clean up the kitchen.
You have to treat
parasites over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.....
If you are using herbs to combat them effectively, you will steadily feel better and better with every layer that dies off. If you wait too long between treatments, you could get very ill because worms lay hundreds of thousands of eggs. It isn't until a mother worm dies, that the hatchlings start busting out of the eggs she laid. If you don't go after the hatchlings in a timely manner, you will have more worms than you had before. When all those hatchlings start mating, look out. Worm colonies can grow exponentially if you aren't prepared to treat them over and over and over and over....
Where most people get confused is during the detox or herxing. There is a period of time when you will feel worse, while the body is getting rid of dead
parasite carcasses. But once you have eliminated all that debris, you will feel much better. Enjoy this for a few days, then go after them again. Go after them hard enough to make yourself feel bad again. Because that is what it takes to reduce your worm load. Some say you don't have to make yourself suffer, but I am a no pain, no gain believer. I guess it would be possible to simply keep them in check for the rest of your life, but seems like that would be the same as being addicted to worm medicne. And I don't want to feel pretty good or OK. I want to feel well.
Slowly and systematically, over time, you can reduce the worm colonies in your body with herbs, which will also nourish your body without damaging your liver. At some point, the ratio of worms in your body will get so low that your immune system will kick in and you will experience a spontaneous die off. Actually, when the worm load starts getting really small, you will experience several plateaus, where a greater sense of peace comes over you, prior to spontaneous die off. You will also experience some dramatic bodily sensations, as the last ones to go are big ones and you can really feel them reacting to the medicine, moving around, trying to find a place to hide. And the smaller colonies will sometimes migrate in mass, causing prickly sensations over large areas of the skin. At least that is what seems to be happening to me.
You will start having lucid dreams, more energy, need/want less sleep, feel happier adn more peaceful in general. You will get less angry about things, have more patience, slow down and get more done. You will be able to concentrate and focus your attention more easily.
I doubt whether all this is possible with pharmaceutical drugs because they are sooooo harsh. Your organs will most likely give up and die before the worms do. Herbs provide the body with nutrition, in addition to being toxic to parasites. Pharmaceutical drugs simply poison the worms. They do nothing to rebuild and nourish your internal organs. They bypass the immune system. Herbs strengthen the immune system.
I think it says somewhere in the bible that if the blond leads the blind everybody will drown in a ditch, so take my advice with a grain salt peter. The only thing I know for sure is that I don't know anything for sure. But if I was the queen of the universe, I'd make pharmaceutical drugs illegal and put the pushers out of business, as I think it is immoral for anyone to discourage people who are ill from taking the medicine God created.
It amazes me that anybody could have more trust in some drug that a scientist, who was more than likely infected with worms, concocted in a test tube, than an herb, which was programmed with hudreds of billions of years of evolutionary wisdom.
Plants rule.
I am going to post this twice, so more people will see it.