after getting the first flush out of the way i am now willing to tweak things and experiment with different potions and concoctions. is the turmeric for taste, or for nausea as well? i will just throw some ginger in (no measurement) and see how it goes. a tsp sounds good to me :)
i flushed with lemon this time around because i am guessing i am more reactive to grapefruit than i am to lemon. and suprisingly, i did not have a food reaction to the lemon although i would much rather drink the grapefruit juice. it probably is much tastier. i didn't mix the lemon and oil. i alternated...drank a tsp of oil then a tsp of lemon back and forth back and forth til i was done. i didn't think i could get the two to mix too well. i don't mind the taste of olive oil. getting it down wasn't the problem. it was just a few hrs afterwards that i started feeling really sick and then all thru the night on and off.