Re: Divorce or no Divorce???
To be frank with you, it sounds like she has moved on. When people initially break up there is often a desire to get back with the other person, but it's fleeting.
I know this is painful, but I think you are going to have to move on also.
But, if you keep yourself open to the possibility, and are respectful of this woman who knows, you may eventually win her back. But for now, that is not going to happen. You need to let her have her space.
And should the day come and that does become a possiblity, both of you need to grow up. You have played terrible, and as you can see, disasterous games with each other. I suspect should you two get together in the future that you will both have learned from this behavior.
So, to answer your question, no, there is nothing you can do about this. Try to be a better man, a mature man, a decent man. She will see this and either come around or not. Women are very sensitive to this.